Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Un-Decorating - Getting Your Holiday Decorations Organized

January is a great time to start getting organized since we’re all ready to get our homes in order after the hectic holiday season. Let’s begin on New Years’ Day. After the parade, and before the big game, start taking down the holiday decorations. This is a great time to organize those decorations so next year you’re not buying more of what you already own but can’t locate. You can find all kinds of organizing containers at home stores such as Target, K-Mart, or The Container Store. Clear plastic containers work best because you can see what’s inside.

Start by getting rid of any old, tired and tattered decorations that have seen better days and anything that didn’t get used this year. Organize your ornaments in plastic ornament boxes with dividers or wrap each ornament in tissue paper to keep them scratch free and unbreakable. Place each strand of holiday lights in separate small containers to keep them tangle free. Then store all the light containers in one larger box.

Designate specific containers for holiday decorations only. Use a label maker or self-adhesive labels to label the outside of each container and store all containers together in the garage or storage room. These simple steps will make next years’ decorating a snap.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Happy Holidays ... and Remember ....

“Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.”

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Tip Tuesday - Fly Lady's Scavenger Hunt List

Here's a fun "scavenger hunt" list from The Fly Lady, a wonderful website about getting and staying organized. See if you can find some of these things in your house.

Click here to get started on your own scavenger hunt.